Homeopathic Practice

Homeopathy is reactive therapeutic method. Therefore its boundaries depend on the body responses  According to the basic definitions of the method, homeopathic treatment is possible only if the following three conditions exist:

• Disease process is reversible.

• The patient is able to respond and his body can handle the response.

• There is a substance, which in healthy individual can cause “similar suffering” and in the patient causes healing process.

It also becomes clear that some diseases are beyond the scope of its action: severe acute illness, shock, requiring emergency medical intervention or classic surgery. Like the traditional therapy, homeopathy is not “a panacea” and cannot be effective in all diseases. It does not claim to cure anything. Its sphere of action is quite wide, but still limited. Basically, homeopathy is effective and recommended in cases where the body is able to fight the disease, mobilizing its own potential. Homeopathy remains powerless when the immune system is exhausted or extremely limited. For example, chronic diseases or illnesses in the acute stages, requiring emergency surgery or other specialized interventions are not curable with homeopathy. No conscientious doctor, homeopath will heal with homeopathy as meningitis, tuberculosis, cancer, myocardial infarction, or insulin dependent diabetes. In these cases, it can be used as a supplement (complement) to traditional treatments. In chronic diseases treated conservatively with allopathic drugs or surgery, homeopathy can be used as a complementary therapy, even in severe cases due to their pharmacological action and specific approach to the patient. This complementary effect helps for better tolerance to conventional treatments or in achieving optimum results from the allopathic medication at a lower dose. In many cases, it allows you to avoid side effects, cumulative effects.


Homeopathic medicines lack any harmful side effects, which is very important advantage. Moreover – they act as modulators of specific functions in the diseased organism – i.e. towards genetically determined immunological response, namely that it was and is the center of attention and desire of every qualified doctor. Homeopathic medicine works by amount (dose), and through Quality composition – so when it does occur processes of accumulation (cumulative), habituation or sensitization (Allergic). These qualities make it almost the “ideal” drug. This is particularly important in today’s world, where stress is unavoidable and many factors influence on us even intrauterine and to our unique self-defense system based on the principle “done and pre-determined” called immunity. With rampant urbanization and cosmopolitanism cyber society, we fiercely and rapidly destroy more or less the ties of Homo sapiens with the primary sources of nature.
All this makes Homeopathy particularly topical issue of the role, effectiveness and capabilities of the homeopathic treatment method – the method of “soft” medicine, natural, friendly and personal.

Homeopathy and Children

In recent years, the number of pediatricians who prescribe homeopathic medicines has increased significantly. The lack of risk and side effects, combined with the ability to quickly and effectively treat many acute, recurrent and chronic diseases, makes homeopathy particularly suitable method for treating young patients. Here are several reasons why:

• Children respond well to homeopathic remedies;

• Treatment is not toxic: in this sense, there is no need to call the emergency services in case that a child swallows the entire Contents of the package;

• Homeopathic treatment is not addictive;

• Homeopathic treatment not only takes into account the natural defenses of the body, but also and optimizes them. And that makes it an excellent method of prevention of many diseases;

• Homeopathic treatment is cheaper than allopathic.

The only difficulty is the medicine. It’s not easy to get a baby to hold pellets under its tongue until it melts. What can you do in this case – there are several options, the to choose from:

• In newborns and infants, the granules dissolve in a pacifier with little water (not milk or juice!). Before taking the medicine it would be good to shake the pacifier.

• The granules are crushed between two spoons “coarse particulate matter” and after that the medicine is poured into the child’s mouth or give one by one, to suck;

• After 1-3rd year, the intake of pellets is done as adults – sublingual.

Use of Purpose

Homeopathy is most useful for pathological conditions which stimulate the protective potential of the body and is able to restore homeostasis. The possibilities of homeopathy are not limited to the following diseases, but schematically  most it is most effective with illnesses that can be divided into the following major groups:

1. Acute infectious pathology – except severe clinical cases cited above and pathology of known etiology – bacterial, parasite, fungal – where we have successfully ethiotopic allopathic treatment. Indisputable is the effect of viral diseases: influenza and influenza-like infections, upper and lower respiratory tract including bronchitis, bronchiolitis, and with that pneumopathies etiology, children exanthema, herpes and others. Do not forget that this “trivial” pathology constitutes about 80% of the intake of ambulatory doctor!

2. Chronic and recurrent diseases or as we call them diseases “plot” – rhinitis, nasopharyngitis, rinoetmoiditi, tonsillitis, tonsillitis, sinusitis, otitis, adenoids; immunologic  diseases – hay fever strofulos, bronchial syndromes, asthma, allergies, digestive tract , skin allergies, Lucius benign, chronic dermatoses, infectious dermatoses primarily of viral origin, recurrent benign skin conditions, such verutsi, warts and more., reactive arthritis and rheumatic diseases (III – IV type classification Dumond); pathology of bones joints, chronic and recurrent diseases of urinary tract, digestion and more.

3. Stress associated pathology with functional disorders – reversible phsyco-emotional disorders – anxiety neurosis, vapor conditions, reactive depression, etc.

4. A / D problems – dysmenorrhea, premenstrual syndrome, childbirth and the postpartum period, climacteric period, and others.

5. Pathology associated with sports activities, accidents (not requiring surgery), and to prepare and postoperative care (in the context of complementary therapy) and many others.

Clinical Homeopathic Practice

It is practically impossible to list or group all diseases where homeopathy is effective, it is important to be practiced by a qualified specialist in the field, who is able to assess its capabilities in the particular case. When clinical need justifies it is neither inconsistent nor heretical to combine homeopathy with allopathic treatment. These two therapeutic practices are fully compliant: homeopathic medicine remains active when combined with such allopathic and vice versa  Homeopathic doctor has at his disposal the possibilities of homeopathy, but also of allopathy and can when is appropriate, to choose one or the other, or to apply them simultaneously. For example, in severe bacterial infections, antibiotics are essential and their use is completely justifiable. Also in case of acute migraine homeopathic treatment might be very well combined with the methods of conventional therapy to control the onset and reduce pain.

Already in the fourth century BC Hippocrates prophetic bequeathed to us the unity of the two methods: “In the treatment of a single patient successfully can be co-administered drugs some of which have symptoms similar to the disease, while others are opposite to it!”

The Homeopath is before all a DOCTOR! In his professional skills and his human conscience lies the ability to skillfully handle the two treatment methods. And to use them with maximum benefit to the patient, while not forgetting the basic principle of medicine – “Primum nonnocere!”

If  you want consultation with Ivan Nestorov PhD, please visit here

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